January 2016

Whats NewWhat a year!

Let’s start by saying God is so good. 2015 completely exceeded our expectations. Favor House Ministries was founded in April of 2015 and is already doing more than we could have imagined. The relationships we have built and the way God has orchestrated things so far is mind blowing. This is our first official newsletter. We aim to begin sending out monthly newsletters to the people who have invested in our ministry to update them on our progress. We want you to know that you truly are making a difference. We are recognized as a non-profit organizations and could not do what we do without the support we receive so THANK YOU!

In the last year:

  • Three men officially completed and graduated our program.
    We have seen genuine heart-change, lives completely do 180’s and families receive healing and restoration.
  • From June-December, we received $2,325.00 in monetary donations, as well as a donated car, a donated van and a year’s worth of paid auto

We value any and all donations and want our donors to feel confident in knowing we use these funds to serve those in need. These donated funds have allowed us to start a website, begin thorough background screening/drug-test administration to any new men looking to become members of our program. This has also been used to sponsor a few men who didn’t have the necessary intake fees to enter the program. This enables them to move into the house, begin our job search program and from that point they begin the process of paying the money back. HUGE THANK YOU to all who have supported us in this past year! Whether your support was monetary, material donations, or even your prayers…we pray God blesses you and returns it 10x over! Here’s looking forward to seeing what He does in 2016!

“My husband has become the man I always knew he could be. He has been able to maintain his sobriety, break down walls he has had built up over the years and is learning new tactics to deal with the struggles of daily life.” – Fonda B.

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